There is a lot of confusion about the difference between CBD vape oil and CBD hemp oil. Cannabidiol, called CBD for short, is derived from hemp, which is the male cannabis plant. CBD hemp oil from this plant may contain trace amounts of THC, but WON’T get you high at all.
CBD has been used medicinally for quite some time in comparison to how recently has it been used for vaping. The term CBD hemp oil was typically reserved for oral tinctures that were not meant to be vaped, but is now commonly misused to describe cbd vape oil, which isn’t a true oil.
CBD vape oil, more appropriately called CBD e-liquid or CBD vape juice is specifically made to be vaped. They are typically not extracted from cannabis.
Most CBD vape juice can be also taken orally, whereas most CBD made for consumption can’t be vaped. Some CBD e-liquids can be mixed with your existing juice and some are pre-mixed. CBD hemp oil provides people with the medicinal benefits of cannabis, minus the side effects.